Can Cats Have Honey? A Sweet No-No

Can Cats Have Honey? A Sweet No-No


Honey is a sweet treat that people love and often use in their kitchens and tea. But what about cats? Can they have a bit of honey, or should we keep it away from them? Let’s find out how honey affects our furry friends.

Can Cats Have Honey?

We might be tempted to share sweet treats like honey with our cats, but it’s good not to. Even though a small amount might not cause immediate harm, honey isn’t good for cats.

Cats need protein, not sugar, in their diet. Honey has a lot of sugar, which can lead to weight gain, obesity, and dental problems. Their stomachs also can’t handle too much sugar, which can cause upset stomachs and diarrhea.

A bigger worry is the risk of botulism. Honey can sometimes have bacteria that cause botulism, which is more of a concern for infants but can also be risky for cats.

To keep your cat healthy, stick to treats approved by vets or make your own with safe ingredients. Knowing what’s good for your cat’s diet will help keep them happy and healthy.

Is Honey Safe for Cats?

Yes, cats can have honey, but there are some important things to keep in mind:

Not a Regular Food

Honey shouldn’t be a big part of your cat’s diet. It’s good as an occasional treat, not something they have every day.

What’s Good About Honey?

  • Antioxidants: Honey has antioxidants that can be good for cats, just like for people.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: It also has properties that can help with inflammation and bacteria.
  • Allergies: Some think that local, unpasteurized honey might help with cat allergies, but there isn’t solid proof.

Cats Don’t Taste Sweetness

Cats can’t taste sweet flavors because they are meat-eaters by nature. Even though honey isn’t toxic, cats can’t appreciate its sweetness. It’s better to give them high-protein treats like plain boiled chicken.

Digestive Issues

Cats are built to process meat well. Honey has sugars like fructose and glucose that their stomachs have trouble breaking down.

Benefits of honey for cats

Honey doesn’t offer any proven benefits for cats. Although it has antioxidants and antibacterial properties that help people, cats need a diet based mainly on meat. Too much sugar from honey can cause problems like obesity, dental issues, and upset stomach. There’s also a risk of botulism, a serious illness, from honey. It’s better to avoid honey and stick to a balanced diet with high-quality cat food.

Can cats have honey ham?

No, cats shouldn’t eat honey ham. While plain, cooked ham can be given in small amounts as a rare treat because it has protein, honey ham isn’t good for cats. The sugar from honey can cause obesity, dental issues, and stomach problems. Also, processed meats like ham have a lot of salt, which can be harmful to cats. It’s good to stick to balanced cat food and avoid giving your cat human food, including honey ham.


A tiny, accidental taste of honey won’t hurt your cat, but it’s good not to give it to them on purpose. Stick to treats made for cats and focus on their regular food. A healthy cat is a happy cat.



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