Cat Brings Live Mouse Home, But the Next Move Will Shock You

Cat Brings Live Mouse Home, But the Next Move Will Shock You

A pet cat decided to skip hunting and instead invited his prey over for a meal.

Cat Brings Live Mouse Home, But the Next Move Will Shock You

Abbie Doctor, an aesthetics nurse from Gloucester, England, witnessed the unusual moment when her cat, Chewie, brought a live mouse into the house and tried to feed it.

“My cats bring in mice almost every day, but they’re usually dead,” Abbie told Newsweek. “This time, it was alive, and we spent a while chasing it around the house.”

“We were just sitting and watching TV when its tiny face suddenly popped out from under the TV unit,” she said.

“The mouse ran over to the food bowls, and the cat just watched and let it eat”

Abbie shared the video on her TikTok account, @abbiedoctor, on November 3. So far, it has over 124,000 likes and 1.2 million views.

The video shows a little mouse calmly eating from a plate of wet and dry cat food, not in a hurry or scared at all while the cat stands nearby, just watching and not even trying to catch it.

As the video continues, Chewie gets closer to sniff the mouse, who’s happily munching on food. But Chewie soon loses interest and goes off to check out a nearby cat toy.

“My cat brought in a mouse and sat him down for dinner,” Abbie wrote over the video, adding: “It’s giving Tom and Jerry vibes.”

According to the cat food company Purina, cats often bring their prey home to have a safe place to eat or store it. Some people used to think this was a “gift” from the cat to its owner.

Purina says this is normal behavior for cats that go outside it’s just part of cat life.

TikTok users had a lot to say. One person worried that the mouse was probably “frozen in terror,” but Abbie replied, “Nah, he was pretty relaxed, just walking around and eating.”

Another person joked, “The fact that he has a mouse toy is hilarious,” while someone else imagined, “Just picture the mouse going home and telling his family that a cat didn’t eat him but gave him food”

Abbie shared the rest of the story with Newsweek, saying that the mouse “stayed for a bit, then we managed to catch him and release him into our greenhouse.”

She was amazed by how popular her video became, calling the number of views “crazy.”

Then again, with so many cat lovers out there, it might not be so surprising after all.

One viewer even asked, “I need an update. Where is the mouse now?”

Read More: Heartless Dumping Kittens Found in Cardboard Box


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